We Like Steve!
"As a past City Council Member and Kandiyohi County Commissioner I choose to endorse Steve Gardner as the next Kandiyohi County District 2 Commissioner.
I worked with Steve on the Willmar City Council and found him to be energetic, community-driven, and is dedicated in his tireless work to make our County and community more inclusive and resilient.
His experience working on the City Council and as a local leader serving on the Vision 2040 Leadership visioning process has been valuable in the development of his trusted leadership. His type of leadership is more important than ever before."
Doug Reese, Willmar

"When I think of Steve Gardner, I see a person of integrity, thoughtfulness, and hopefulness for the future. Times are changing; people’s lives are changing; our community is changing.
Steve is committed to a future where our children can live, grow, and prosper. I support Steve Gardner because my adult children have chosen to work, live, and play in rural Minnesota. He understands the need to work together with ALL of us to find a home in Kandiyohi County."
Mary Sawatzky
"I endorse Steve Gardner for County Commissioner. I sense in him a certain humility, befitting an office holder in rural Minnesota. I sense also that he is not weighed down by ideology, so that he will evaluate issues with an open mind and make reasoned decisions."
Earl O. Knutson, Willmar